An "alchemist"
A master of steel since age of 14
• "Through sculpture, installation and display, as a craftsman, an artist or a designer, I am a metal worker. I handle metal, trying to reveal its inherent energy. I explore its limits, its physical possibilities. I heat it, pound it, twist it. I try to make it say something itself. This may be a feeling of intense heaviness, or on the contrary a delicacy, an unusual fragility...It's an open dialogue with the material. Then, the formal capacities are revealed in a material that becomes an object marked with a singular identity, which sometimes comes within organic and living.
- Caroline Brisset"
• Caroline Brisset works with metal in all its forms through sculpture, installations and performance, working as a craftsman, artist and designer. According to her "The state is irrelevant when talking about the subject". Her work is a dialogue between the capacities of the materials and the object that she creates, which have a unique identity, sometimes organic or alive.
• Caroline Brisset explores the physical limits and possibilities of metal by heating, melting and twisting it, trying to make it express by itself. Through her pieces, the artist seeks to reach a level where the appearance of the material is inconsistent with its constitution.
• Caroline Brisset is able to create small to monumental sculptures and installations. She also love to work on tailor-made projects and realizations. Dream about something, talk to us, and she will materialize the story...
A Talent French Artist for 16 Years of Steel
Monumental Realizations & Expos in Europe
Born in 1988 in France.
DNSEP European School of Art in Brittany, Rennes, FRANCE
DNAP European School of Art in Brittany, Rennes, FRANCE
AFPA CAP locksmith metalwork - ferronnerie option, St Nazaire, FRANCE
• Monumental Realizations :
2021: Special Order of Monumental sculpture of "Roland Garros", 6,5m high, Stadium of Roland Garros, Paris, France
2019: Installation “Blue Whale Earth” (scale 1), realized with steel and human trash such as oil and gas can
2018: Special order of Camille awards for Ennio Morricone for International Sound and Film Music Festival, Croatia
2018: Special order of figurehead realized for the sailingboat “Death Shadow”
2018: Installation “Le poilu”, 4m high sculpture made with stainless steel and bullets, for the centenary of the 14/18 armistice, installed permanently in the city of Liège, Belgium
2103: Permanent sculptures installation for Imagine building, Paris, France
2013: Installation of "Orgue de Pluie", Rennes, France
2013: Installation of "Time machine", Rennes, France
2013: Installation of "De l’eau, du Plomb et du Sel", Rennes, France
• Exhibitions :
Art Thema HéYī, Brussels permenantly exhibit latest creations of Caroline Brisset since 10 years:
Our major exhibitions in 2021:
2022: Affordable Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium
2022: "Horizon", group exhibition, Art Thema Héyī Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2021: "Timeless", group exhibition, Art Thema Héyī Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2021: "Art Exhibition for the Hommage of René Julien", Ramatuelle, France
2021: Art Up Lille, Lille, France
2021: "Blooming", group exhibition, Art Thema Héyī Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2021: Together, group exhibition, Art Thema Héyī Gallery, Brussel, Belgium
2020: "Vagabond" , Solo digital show during Covid, Art Thema Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2020: Group Show, Switzerland
2018: Group show, Art Thema Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2018: Art Biennal of Montreux, Switzerland
2017: "Like a Picture", solo exhibition, Art Thema, Brussels, Belgium
2017: Performance “James Dean”+ “little bastard” movie
2017: "Soulmates", Lourmarin, France
2017: Group show, L’usine, Liège, Belgium
2016: "Solar System", solo exhibition, Art Thema Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2016: "L’Art est aux nefs", Nantes, France
2016: Art Biennal of Lasne, Lasne, Belgium
2016: "Soulmates", Lourmarin, France
2016: Live show/ Performance, steel cut out, “La Poudrière”, Nantes, France
2016: Live show/ Performance, steel cut out, “Studio Inauguration”, Liège, Belgium
2015: "Under the skin", Solo exhibition, Art Thema Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
2015: “La Sculpture Dans Tous Ses États", Art Elysée art fair, Paris, France
2015: Biennal Révélations, Grand-Palais, Paris, France
2015: Group show, Liège, Belgium
2015: “Skin”, Brussels, Belgium
2015: Performance "Burn Barlok”, Brussels, Belgium
2014: Group show, Paris, France
2014: “Voodoo Mechanics”, Nantes France
2014: “Transformeurs”, France
2014: Group show, Salon des Métiers d’Arts, Nantes, France
2014: "L’Art est aux nefs", Nantes, France
2014: "Somnanbule", Nantes, France
2013: "Millefeuille", Paris, France
2013: "Excquis cadavre", Rennes, France
2013: Biennal of Nantes, Nantes, France
2013: Salon Européen des Fèvres pour l’artisanat des métaux, Chateau d’Eu, France
Absence - 1, 2021
Absence - 2, 2021
Alive, 2020
Between Us, 2020
Big fish, 2020
Calling Birds, 2020
Closer, 2020
Digital Apero, 2020
Distant, 2020
Drawing an escape, 2020
Fancy, 2020
Hope, 2020
Library, 2020
Making Noise, 2020
Planet Table, 2017
Queing, 2020
Romance, 2020
Shopping, 2020
Sweet Escape, 2020
The Accordionist, 2020
Together, 2020
Zen Library, 2020