Well known in Belgium, Isabel Miramontes’ amazing bronze sculptures have been exhibited over 10 years at the Art Thema Gallery in Brussels.
Miramontes explores the concept of sculpture through the portrayal of human bodies cut into winding strips. Unlike normal solid sculpture, she makes impressive use of the spaces and gaps thus created for maximum effect. For her, sculpture is not a block of material needing to be shaped. Sculpture is an empty space onto which the artist projects a surface.
Art Thema Gallery will unveil in Brussels her latest creations. About twenty sensitive and intimate works, such as Luna, a character stretched towards the immensity of a starry sky; or Callipyge, a hymn to femininity and elegance. Primavera will also reborn in a new dimension. This bronze, dominated by lightness and animation, thanks to the technical genius of the sculptor, composes a spring dress with fine bronze ribbons floating around a moving body. And many other sculptures are waiting you in this exhibition full of delicacy and poetry!